Pizza box of the future

Eco friendly and practical.

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Picture of caives20 achievements

+22 1. caives commented 15 years ago

Smooth! HD
Picture of Luffy0335 achievements

+7 2. Luffy03 commented 15 years ago

Picture of Azhar7 achievements

+22 3. Azhar commented 15 years ago

WOW.....We should all be thinking on the same lines, SAVE THE PLANET.. O:)
Picture of SpikedSilver26 achievements

+17 4. SpikedSilver commented 15 years ago

i want pizza too
Picture of zf140 achievements

+6 5. zf1 commented 15 years ago

mmmmmmmmmmm pizza
Picture of Highmeadow44 achievements

+15 6. Highmeadow commented 15 years ago

Our recycling company won't accept pizza boxes, and I'm not known for leaving left-overs, so it's a totally useless product for me. Wait - I could take up origami - mmmm - pizza-scented art :(|) :(|) :(|)
Picture of dvh35 achievements

-1 7. dvh commented 15 years ago

Too bad this HD videos are no-go for my Intel Atom based PC :(
Picture of defade30 achievements

0 8. defade commented 15 years ago

That's a nice little idea, and a good example of the simple things we could do better to be less wasteful. As long as they get delivered by an electric car or guy on a bicycle ;)
Picture of DarkiKun41 achievements

+10 9. DarkiKun commented 15 years ago

leftovers? not under my watch!
Picture of moskwiz36 achievements

+6 10. moskwiz commented 15 years ago

Yeh #(removed comment) .. seriously, what did you expect? :D

No but when it comes to convenience and (mainly) amenity, USA is usually a step ahead of the rest of us.. While the Old World was still having to endure having bigger arm-muscles from manually winding car-windows up and down and actually move their arms to switch between gears in their cars, the Americans were installing water beds in theirs :D
Picture of rufinus35 achievements

+4 11. rufinus commented 15 years ago

#10 roflmao love your sarcasm
Picture of Tzek28 achievements

+8 12. Tzek commented 15 years ago

I don't know why would someone need four plates for that pizza. If I had it I would eat it by myself. :)
Picture of coldboy26 achievements
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-9 13. coldboy commented 15 years ago

Everthing to do with the environment hoax -1
Picture of patriotaus39 achievements

+3 14. patriotaus commented 15 years ago

we should all hope that coldboy can recover from his coma where he lives in a magic land where nothing goes wrong and there are no responsibilities or consequences.
Picture of tatti6928 achievements

+1 15. tatti69 commented 15 years ago

The dude looks so freaky that I first thought this is some sort of a parody.
Picture of banzemanga46 achievements

+2 16. banzemanga commented 15 years ago

Picture of Cavabardus44 achievements

+3 17. Cavabardus commented 15 years ago

Start with NOT PUTTING the box in the fridge : do you really need to use energy to freeze a box ? Seriously ?
But, yes, the box is an idea... Cutting it is also an idea that costs less energy than perforing it with an industrial tool (I think).
There is no small idea to save energy.
And now, I'm shutting down my computer :P
Picture of moskwiz36 achievements

+4 18. moskwiz commented 15 years ago

#13 .. you are quite a worthy adversary in a debate, I remember that from our previous endeavors :)

I love US cars, especially old ones, if not to take into account their rather steep fuel economy

Coming back to topic though, we would have to find out if making a pizza box like this would cost us more energy than it helps save; if not, only then could it be considered a save in energy and a look into the greener future. Until that, it's just good advertising.

#(removed comment) .. we have come to a point in Earth's history where saying things like that isn't even remotely amusing anymore .. So please, just don't; unless of course you can shed light on some new major discoveries that would completely annihilate the scientific method, statistics and pure logic, which would lead you to making comments like that?
Picture of 9573129 achievements

+2 19. 95731 commented 15 years ago

wat is we cant finish 4 slices XD we wont beable to fold that in half
Picture of Limberg43 achievements

+1 20. Limberg commented 15 years ago

I see no point in this, is this for people who don't have plates ? Too me it looks like someone had too much time on their hands.

I do like the eco-friendly cardboarding. :)
Picture of sselfless13 achievements

+2 21. sselfless commented 15 years ago

real plates win.
Picture of Zoooidberg22 achievements

+5 22. Zoooidberg commented 15 years ago

I though they would eat the box for dessert - that would save the environment!
Picture of zerorain26 achievements

0 23. zerorain commented 15 years ago

i like the storage box design.
Picture of SixaxisDualshock20 achievements

0 24. SixaxisDualshock commented 15 years ago

#7 And I can't watch videos on my 20 year old calculator..
Don't blame technological development when you bought something that won't stream flv files in HD.
Picture of Noobeater26 achievements

0 25. Noobeater commented 15 years ago

They should have made the box edible
Picture of sephiroth23 achievements

+4 26. sephiroth commented 15 years ago

how exactly is the box itself eco friendly? its still made up from as much cardboard as any other pizza box. And pizza boxes are most of the time made up of recycled paper anyway.

they are marketing the wrong way. The only way i see the box having any positive effect on the environment, is the fact that you have 4 less dishes to put in the dishwasher after eating, hence saving energy there.

But then again the dishwasher uses as much energy to wash 8 dirty plates as it uses to wash 4.

so is it really that eco friendly? or is it just a marketing trick to make you think youre making a difference?

but then again, am i over thinking this? :)
Picture of ktg_536 achievements

-1 27. ktg_5 commented 15 years ago

because its recycled, then you saved the resources for a new package, and used all materials instead. thats recycled, and then more eco friendly than the standards:)

the idea of box-dishes is just a nice feature. there's not much eco friendly in there, but I think its still smart and more easy way to serve pizza:)
Picture of moskwiz36 achievements

+4 28. moskwiz commented 15 years ago

#26 has a good point.. I could add that it probably takes more energy to construct this pizza-box when compared to a normal one.. Think of all the stripes and pushed-in lines for it to fold properly etc. That's all extra moves in the factory..

Keep up the constructive criticism :)
Picture of Blah19 achievements

+3 29. Blah commented 15 years ago

You could also make the box out of Matzah and make the whole thing edible... its got the same strength as cardboard... and tastes about the same too.
Picture of Loremipsum13 achievements

-2 30. Loremipsum commented 15 years ago

Picture of shmeee6 achievements

0 31. shmeee commented 15 years ago

dumb... you use the same amount of cardboard.... useful, since we're running out of trees 'n all

it probably costs more money to perforate the box
Picture of zf140 achievements

+1 32. zf1 commented 15 years ago

#28 not necessarily, based on the pizza boxes design, most likely a large sheet of card board capable of producing multiple boxes is fed into a machine which stamps out its desired shape all at once like a giant cookie cutter. in this case, its just a matter of using a different stamp pattern.
Picture of Highmeadow44 achievements

+1 33. Highmeadow commented 15 years ago

Make your own pizza and you don't need a box...
Picture of peterpan00724 achievements

-1 34. peterpan007 commented 15 years ago

instead of using trees to make paper we should grow hemp or bamboo, it grows fast, its cheap, easy enough to process, and the most important part there are less trees cut down
Picture of moskwiz36 achievements

0 35. moskwiz commented 15 years ago

#32 that is possible yes.. I thought I still saw some punctured bits on it (the parts that he tears out to make the bottom half neatly foldable)

#34 also a good idea.. Hemp should be much more widely used as an industrial resource than it is

Picture of eNdEmiOn0646333 achievements

0 36. eNdEmiOn06463 commented 15 years ago

Nifty but I don't see how this is gonna help save the environment. The box still gets thrown away.
Picture of YetiGrowl38 achievements

+1 37. YetiGrowl commented 15 years ago

I agree with #36. It's still all gonna end up in the same friggen place!