Frankenlouie Two Faced Cat

Cute or not?

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Picture of Bahira35 achievements

+5 1. Bahira commented 15 years ago

You think a normal cat gives you crazy looks. That would be nothing compared to this cat.
Picture of yurtb25 achievements

+3 2. yurtb commented 15 years ago

probably won't appear on the canhazcheezburger network...
Picture of JayK22 achievements

+21 3. JayK commented 15 years ago

Can I has two cheeseburgers?
Picture of Zmagec33 achievements

0 4. Zmagec commented 15 years ago

aw :( :'(
Picture of Voutelamberopipi36 achievements

+1 5. Voutelamberopipi commented 15 years ago

#3 you're disguntingly funny
Picture of petonga13 achievements

0 6. petonga commented 15 years ago

#3 you rule duder!
Picture of archis51 achievements

0 7. archis commented 15 years ago

I don't understand. Is it one cat 2 faces or 2 cats one body?
Picture of karol25 achievements

0 8. karol commented 15 years ago

O:) + O:) = :S ewolution cats...
Picture of kainim37 achievements

0 9. kainim commented 15 years ago

looks like the dog from one of the Blade movies :p
Picture of orion27 achievements

0 10. orion commented 15 years ago

Probably one cat (one brain), 2 faces. But I wonder how the breathing and feeding is handled. It's hard to swallow food if there's another opening somewhere. As for the vision... how can two parts of visual cortex handle 4 pictures? I mean... it's amazing, you lose 2 eyes and still see perfectly?
Picture of filter38 achievements

+4 11. filter commented 15 years ago

why is she shopping with her cat?
Picture of loveapple4 achievements

-2 12. loveapple commented 15 years ago

Cute or not? NOT! Extremely sad? YES :'(
Picture of patriotaus39 achievements

+1 13. patriotaus commented 15 years ago

#10, the breathing and feeding is handled usually in parallel and it is the part which usually kills them, i.e. breathing while eating is not always a great idea. For the visual cortex question, to use a computer analogy, the brain is very 'plug n play'.
Picture of SpikedSilver26 achievements

0 14. SpikedSilver commented 15 years ago

thank god, we dont have any other problems..
Picture of Izverg27 achievements
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-5 15. Izverg commented 15 years ago

i hate cats :(