Finding a Way To Escape the Crisis


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Picture of Hallsavenger24 achievements

+18 1. Hallsavenger commented 14 years ago

Picture of gcleffff29 achievements

+13 2. gcleffff commented 14 years ago

Free shopping :D
Picture of fjwjr62 achievements

+20 3. fjwjr commented 14 years ago

Time for an enhanced pat down.........
Picture of banzemanga46 achievements

+7 4. banzemanga commented 14 years ago

I wonder if they got caught by the police using the video tape. :S
Picture of mikeab37 achievements

+22 5. mikeab commented 14 years ago

She sure can fit a lot under that dress.
Picture of Fergus_Thedog36 achievements

+69 6. Fergus_Thedog commented 14 years ago

Uh... #1, you weren't supposed to be looking at the kid on the slide.
Picture of YetiGrowl38 achievements

+2 7. YetiGrowl commented 14 years ago

off to the pawn shop then the dealer
Picture of Usdevildoggmc42 achievements

+60 8. Usdevildoggmc commented 14 years ago

Thumbs up if you stared at the kid through the whole video the first time then had to watch it again.... C'mon lets be honest lol cuz I started reading comments and it didn't make sense plus everyone else seemed to be doing every day normal things including the thieves :S The only thing that appeared off was the the little kid in the middle of the store playing on a slide I thought she was going to something interesting... now try something fun show your family this video and ask them what what happens after they finish watching the video :D
Picture of Kendiana29 achievements

+2 9. Kendiana commented 14 years ago

Can anyone tell from the video what items they might have been shoplifting? What kind of store was it? From the toy slide and the stroller it kind of looks like a toy store. But the clerk is wearing a white smock that looks like something a drug store employee might wear. Dunno! BTW....hey you at the top of the comments (number1), don't feel bad, I was watching the kid on the slide too. Guess we both would make terrible detectives.
Picture of Xeromyr24 achievements

+6 10. Xeromyr commented 14 years ago

Looks like big cans of powdered baby formula to me.

Which is commonly cut with cocaine to add weight to the product and therefor increase profit.

But considering the amount they stole they either have -a lot- of cocaine to cut, or I'm completely wrong.

Maybe they've got some brats at home.

Or they could just really, really love coffee.

What comes in cans these days?
Picture of huldu34 achievements

+27 11. huldu commented 14 years ago

That kid was a great distraction.
Picture of dragonon38 achievements
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-6 12. dragonon commented 14 years ago

Wtf snotr... I think there will be lots and lots of interestings videos in the waiting list.... and this is after waiting for 24 hours... this is what you got to POST>>>? REALL!Y!!

U gotta change your admins or strategy.... and i mean it...!
Sometimes you dis-a-ppoint me.
Picture of metataggers41 achievements

+8 13. metataggers commented 14 years ago

Smooth. The guy blocked the field of view from the busy clerks and made things look like the couple was debating and conversing. Shoplifting and robbery tend to work better in pairs, and for shoplifting, a married couple is ideal since it tends to present the lowest threat. Generally, the most benefit is gained when one of the thieves creates a diversion, but that shop was so chaotic, it didn't need to be dramatically synchronized. You'll note that the perps kept moving and facing the victim to gain control over the environment -- basically keeping an eye on the people who would bust them. Walking towards them, then stopping short, is the ideal move since it provides time to check out the threat level, their eyes, their attention (or lack) in a way that looks normal. Walking away not only looks suspicious, but it removes the ability to look them in the eye to see if they are being checked out. Basically, they're watching the enemy vs. turning their back to them. There's one spot when all the clerks walk to the back and the woman really loads up. They did it right, although their bigger threat was the customer who looked like he was staring at them, then walked back to the racks. She was really smooth and kept her eyes on the targets, not the threats. Nice teamwork. And at the end, when they pretended to be standing in line to make a purchase or ask a question after they maxed their lift, sweet; when in fact, they were double checking to make sure that no one was suspicious. Kind of sad really. It clearly wasn't their first offense, and they were likely storing up on basic staples to raise their family.
Picture of filter38 achievements

+18 14. filter commented 14 years ago

The woman is actually 2 midgets standing one on top of the other.
Midgets are always up to no good!

#13. For the benefit of us all, try splitting your comments into chapters. I'd even settle for paragraphs.
Picture of ruhk30 achievements

+2 15. ruhk commented 14 years ago

#8 GOOD CALL. I watched it twice to catch it as well
Picture of Vaithan29 achievements

+3 16. Vaithan commented 14 years ago

#8 Absolutly. It's only when I read #4 comment I realized I'd missed something and watched it again :D
Picture of corleon18 achievements

0 17. corleon commented 14 years ago

one woman with 4 legs LOL
Picture of MattiKattila29 achievements

0 18. MattiKattila commented 14 years ago

Ahhh man! I looked at the kid in the slide all the time :(
Picture of Gorf35 achievements

0 19. Gorf commented 14 years ago

I thought it was bread being taken - he's really got his woman in her place - that's a lotta sandwiches she'll be making.
Picture of budley21 achievements

0 20. budley commented 14 years ago

@10 baby formula is not often cut with coke, glucose is a hell of a lot cheaper and less noticeable
Picture of zf140 achievements

+5 21. zf1 commented 14 years ago

#12 you want videos that exist up to your standards, how about submitting videos yourself ;)
Picture of Urmensch44 achievements

+3 22. Urmensch commented 14 years ago

#10 I hope you meant that cocaine is cut with baby formula and not what you said.

Otherwise I'd hate to be trying to get your kids down to sleep after a feed.
Picture of dragonon38 achievements

+1 23. dragonon commented 14 years ago

#21, well i do submit videos . But i don't know what has the best chance to get posted here... SUBMIT the VIDEO or the LINK...!!!

Don't worry... i'm fine. O:)
Picture of LQoQK44 achievements

-1 24. LQoQK commented 14 years ago

#8 for the ones who thumbed you up, you need to focus more.
Picture of msavio00830 achievements

+2 25. msavio008 commented 14 years ago

that had to be a Gypsie
Picture of captain_obvious38 achievements

+3 26. captain_obvious commented 14 years ago

i hope she get caught. cant stand it, people that are hard working, deserve better then a gypsy stealing stuff from them.
Picture of Alphonsus23 achievements

0 27. Alphonsus commented 14 years ago

I love the natural hobble shes got on while leaving the shop. Beautiful work overall.
Picture of xanonym14 achievements

0 28. xanonym commented 14 years ago

How to videos - gotta love'm! :P
Picture of joka23244 achievements

0 29. joka232 commented 14 years ago

WOWOWO all the way through ive been looking at the baby! second time round ifound out!
Picture of sux2bu67 achievements

+1 30. sux2bu commented 14 years ago

I wonder what country this took place in.....Mexico?
Picture of c2quad30 achievements

0 31. c2quad commented 14 years ago

haha its enough for one month
Picture of makbeth36 achievements

0 32. makbeth commented 14 years ago

I spent my first viewing waiting for the kid to fail spectacularly! Interesting dress though. He have awfull problems with these guys in Ireland too. I was never racist until they came :/
I have been the victim of crime twice in my life, both times were in Ireland, both times by (different)Romanian gypsies.

Its a sad day when you can identify someones nationality just by the method/ammount they steal.
Picture of smacky29 achievements

+1 33. smacky commented 14 years ago

P.S. so please don't call them ROMANIANS or any other nationality. We had the big disgrace of having them in our land... and now we cannot get rid of them.
Picture of RastafariiXX9 achievements

+1 34. RastafariiXX commented 13 years ago

its like a black hole in there :O