Hilarious Experiment On Monkeys

Awesome reaction from the monkey on the left when he watches his buddy get rewarded with grapes and he is stuck with cucumbers.

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Picture of ringmaster54 achievements

+15 1. ringmaster commented 12 years ago

Nature never stops surprising me!
Picture of banzemanga46 achievements

+21 2. banzemanga commented 12 years ago

lol. "So this is basically the Wallstreet protest you see here" :x
Picture of HellsVacancy40 achievements

-3 3. HellsVacancy commented 12 years ago

Animal testing made funny? im not laughing
Picture of jrin228 achievements

+7 4. jrin2 commented 12 years ago

Is this where the term ape Sh** came from?
Picture of master_shake36 achievements

+6 5. master_shake commented 12 years ago

Wall street scenario is more like the monkey gets the whole bowl of grapes :'( :'(
Picture of boober12 achievements

0 6. boober commented 12 years ago

Sum people think they are color blind
Picture of Mafu36 achievements

+6 7. Mafu commented 12 years ago

Humans after all... are just a bunch of evolved monkeys ::(|)
Picture of LightAng3l49 achievements

+20 8. LightAng3l commented 12 years ago

Chill out #(removed comment) they are treated good and cared for, vaccinated and fed, ... it's not like they cut off one of it's arms to see what happened...

Anyway, they react exactly like humans would, envy is a strong emotion.
Picture of irishgek50 achievements

+2 9. irishgek commented 12 years ago

Show peta this and tell them to say animal testing aint all about horrid tests and makeup it can be bloody amusing too !
Picture of Thanny37 achievements

+9 10. Thanny commented 12 years ago

This is about a sense of fairness. Demonstrating that the concept of fairness is tens of millions of years old is not "minimal educational purposes".

Lumping these types of experiments together with "animal testing" is just hysterics.
Picture of SaritaLaCubanita1 achievements

+1 11. SaritaLaCubanita commented 12 years ago

This experiment is cruel, but not by any means the cruelest of experiments upon animals.

Oddly, one of the commenters mentioned this experiment was about envy, and another mentioned it reminded them of Occupy. Neither of these had occurred to me until I read the comments. Then I started thinking about it, and came up with this:

This is an experiment about the effects upon animals of unfairness, inequity, and lack of justice. What we're witnessing here is that for doing absolutely nothing more or nothing less than the other monkey did, the second monkey continued to be offered a better deal than the first. The monkey being offered the worse deal noticed because, well, monkeys have eyes and brains. Why wouldn't he notice that he was getting the shaft for no other reason than that the other one existed? In other words, he realized there was nothing he could do to get a better deal because, frankly, the other monkey was simply getting something good just for being WHO HE WAS.

This happens in human society every single day. :| A few monkeys are getting the lion's share of society, and the best choice of what's available, and NOT because they're making some contribution to society, but simply because of who they are.

It is the reason Occupy exists, as Occupy has made it their duty to point out the savage unfairness in the system.

As for the emotions experienced by those who watch the few monkeys that get the best of everything for nothing - I think it would be really weird if there were no reaction at all!
Picture of fulmar25 achievements

-4 12. fulmar commented 12 years ago

I still think yer all fucked. I've stoppede coming to this site, yer all as fucked as the degnerates on Reddit and Imgur.

Burn in hell.

Or do some LSD
Picture of fugitivegoose36 achievements

+1 13. fugitivegoose commented 12 years ago

This reminds me so much of my brother and I