This kid has all the moves

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14 comments posted so far. Login to add a comment.

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Picture of cameramaster55 achievements

+3 1. cameramaster commented 6 years ago

He certainly has...little so and so dances better then me!
Picture of nomaddaf22 achievements
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-7 2. nomaddaf commented 6 years ago

Sad seeing a little white child dance a tribal dance as if it were 5,000 B.C.
Picture of Austin42 achievements

+5 3. Austin commented 6 years ago

#2. Nomaddaf . You really need to work on your troll game. This is far too much of a retrograde idiotic comment even for you. It has all the subtly of a cricket bat to the face.

Debasing a cute kid vid with ugly inferences? Wow. Ok, now we all know a little bit more about you and your world view.
Picture of nomaddaf22 achievements
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-7 4. nomaddaf commented 6 years ago

#3 Name call all you like. Let me know when you prove this untrue.
Picture of Judge-Jake53 achievements

+2 5. Judge-Jake commented 6 years ago

Firstly the kid hasn't got all the moves, I counted them are there are seven missing.

Secondly #4 I watched your video's and I throw back your dull question about the stars on the previous video and say where did these dances get their moves from?
Picture of Austin42 achievements

+1 6. Austin commented 6 years ago

#4. Nomaddaf You really are thick if you cannot see why your comment is primitive and insulting. I have to wonder if your ignorance is naturally occurring, deliberate, an ad hoc compensation strategy, or part of your continued weak effort to troll.

Nothing is off the table yet.

Can you not see the problem with your basic presupposition?

Moreover, you have only made your ethnocentrism and idiocy that much more transparent by including the links to the videos. I imagine you thought they were somehow exculpatory..

Let's review. You proclaimed it ‘sad’ that this little boy has presented a dance routine that incorporates Traditional Congolese Dance - Ballet Arumbaya Ndendeli and African Dance Lesson 2 Pelvic Isolation and Limb Throws.

That is sad to you? Sad? It is sad that a child has accidentally incorporated ancient rhythmic movements? Ok… that is not disturbing.

Or is it sad because the child is Caucasian and that he is inadvertently and unintentionally drawing from African (i.e. black) dance culture? Again, equally disturbing proposition.

How is anything the child doing sad? How do you come up with this reaction?

And then you end with a really stupid bang

#4. Nomaddaf 'Let me know when you prove this untrue'

A) I do not accept the premise that this unintentional and coincidental cultural appropriation is somehow negative or in any way ‘sad’

And more importantly B) ‘sad’ is a subjective evaluation. One cannot prove in the example provided that it is either a true or false proposition.

What is objectively 'sad' is your efforts to explain yourself.

To make such a statement just truly proves what disturbing views and values you hold. Sad??? Really?
Picture of Urmensch44 achievements

+3 7. Urmensch commented 6 years ago

#4 You say, "Sad seeing a little white child dance a tribal dance as if it were 5,000 B.C."

Then when pulled on it your response is, "Name call all you like. Let me know when you prove this untrue.", and you then link to a video of a modern African showing how Africans dance today, and not 5,000 B.C.

You're a bit thick, aren't you?
Picture of Kenuty31 achievements

0 8. Kenuty commented 6 years ago

This is sad seeing that people are arguing, trolling and hating over some kid's dance video
Picture of Judge-Jake53 achievements

0 9. Judge-Jake commented 6 years ago

The sun is out
The sky is blue
There's not a cloud
To spoil the view
But it's raining
Raining In My Heart

The Weather Man
Says "Clear today"
He doesn't know
You've gone away
And it's raining
Raining In My Heart

Oh misery - oh misery
What's gonna become of me

I tell my blues
They mustn't show
But soon these tears
Are bound to flow
Cause it's raining
Raining In My Heart
Raining In My Heart

My bottom hurts
my tonsils too
what the feck
am I to do
cos it's raining
raining in my farts

I told the guy
who drives the cab
I saw a face like yours
it was in a lab
now it's raining
raining on my shirt

oh misery oh misery
whats gonna become of me he he

The police man said
I went too fast
I said feck you
now i'm in Elastoplast
and it's raining
raining on my cast

Nomaddaf has
a silly name
he thinks the dancing
is very lame
insults are raining
raining on the Twerp

oh misery oh misery
what's gonna become of me he he he

Austin wrote
a lot of shit
I fell asleep
through half of it
now it's raining
raining on my tarts

Kenuty put
his comment in
as usual
it was rather thin
and it's raining
whats it all about about?

This song has gone
on far too long
I've bored myself
and bit my tongue
Na itth waining
waining hin mi art

Oh misery oh misery
what's gonna become of Meeeeeeee

De de de de
de de de de
de de de de
de de de de
and it's waining
waining in my art r r art
I said it's waining
waining in my (spit) Heart....
Picture of Austin42 achievements

+1 10. Austin commented 6 years ago

#8. Kenuty respectfully, what is sad is your bizarre efforts to create some sort of equivalency between # 4. Nomaddaf’s quite frankly disgusting miscegenistic comments regarding a white child unintentionally incorporating African dance rhythms and other people calling Nomaddaf out on his shockingly racist reaction to a very amusing and innocent video - of a child happily dancing with his friends.

The fact that you cannot see that, refuse to either see that, or perhaps even agree with # 4. Nomaddaf’s beliefs and values (and do not have the courage to say it openly) is sad.

If you agree with # 4. Nomaddaf’s evaluation that the child’s dance moves are sad then sack up and say it. Do not hide behind a lame and disingenuous false equivalency.

This is Nomaddaf’s doing – don’t start blaming others for calling him out on his racist crap. He went there, and people have rightfully reacted with disgust.
Picture of Kenuty31 achievements

0 11. Kenuty commented 6 years ago

@10, seems pretty normal to me, seen plenty of racist all the time you just ignore them instead of fueling them they will die lonely. I just found it sad that you're arguing against him and taking his bait hard there is no point.

Those people will never change and there will always be a some sort of racism regardless
This is fact
Best thing to do is ignore em.
Saw the dance and don't really give a damn about it.
Picture of Austin42 achievements

+1 12. Austin commented 6 years ago

#11. Kenuty ‘you just ignore them instead of fueling them they will die lonely’

I can understand your strategy. And if that is how you wish to deal with such people – fair enough.

Obviously, I disagree with your conclusion that there ‘is no point’.

I personally feel that as modern societies we turned a blind eye for far too long to acts of prejudice, bigotry, racism, sexism, misogyny etc and by not calling people out on such behaviours we have in a sense permitted it to continue. Silence or choosing to ignore is an enabling act IMHO.

Yes racism will always be part our societies but that doesn’t mean we have to accept it or tolerate it. I am at a stage in my life where I chose to call it out.

Good example. Look at the American Neo-Nazi’s post Charlottesville march. Many were identified via social media and their views were made known in their own social and work environments. And for many there were consequences. Good. If you want to be hateful and hold feckhead views of others because of race, creed, ethnicity, religions etc then you need to be prepared for the consequences. Shunning to unemployment – let the free market and your friends and neighbours decide :)
Picture of Judge-Jake53 achievements

0 13. Judge-Jake commented 6 years ago

#11#12 You'd both be better off just signing a song about it. :D

The sun is out
The sky is blue
There's not a cloud
To spoil the view
But it's raining
Raining In My Heart

The Weather Man
Says "Clear today"
He doesn't know
You've gone away
And it's raining
Raining In My Heart

Oh misery - oh misery
What's gonna become of me

I tell my blues
They mustn't show
But soon these tears
Are bound to flow
Cause it's raining
Raining In My Heart
Raining In My Heart

My bottom hurts
my tonsils too
what the feck
am I to do
cos it's raining
raining in my farts

I told the guy
who drives the cab
I saw a face like yours
it was in a lab
now it's raining
raining on my shirt

oh misery oh misery
whats gonna become of me he he

The police man said
I went too fast
I said feck you
now i'm in Elastoplast
and it's raining
raining on my cast

Nomaddaf has
a silly name
he thinks the dancing
is very lame
insults are raining
raining on the Twerp

oh misery oh misery
what's gonna become of me he he he

Austin wrote
a lot of shit
I fell asleep
through half of it
now it's raining
raining on my tarts

Kenuty put
his comment in
as usual
it was rather thin
and it's raining
whats it all about about?

This song has gone
on far too long
I've bored myself
and bit my tongue
Na itth waining
waining hin mi art

Oh misery oh misery
what's gonna become of Meeeeeeee

De de de de
de de de de
de de de de
de de de de
and it's waining
waining in my art r r art
I said it's waining
waining in my (spit) Heart....
Picture of Randyio50 achievements

0 14. Randyio commented 5 years ago

#5 This kid has almost got all the moves, or This kid has all the moves minus 7