Girl tossed in air after bison charges Yellowstone tourists

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Picture of Judge-Jake53 achievements

+1 2. Judge-Jake commented 5 years ago

Holy shit, hope she makes a full recovery, very traumatic. <3
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

+2 3. thundersnow commented 5 years ago

Submitted this to show how stupid some people are around wildlife. Feel sorry for the girl, as a child she couldn't have known any better though.
Picture of Woolf200036 achievements

+2 4. Woolf2000 commented 5 years ago

what the hell are they doing so close to a bison? stupid idiots, deserves them right. n1 bison
Picture of Dennis5316 achievements

+1 5. Dennis53 commented 5 years ago

She knew better if she was of average intelligence and if she could read. You can't be in Yellowstone without seeing all the warnings. But here, "adults" broke the rules which led an impressionable child into thinking it was somehow ok. I doubt she was seriously injured, but it really, really could have been fatal. What absolute morons.
But probably 97% of Yellowstone visitors are very well behaved. It is an astonishingly international crowd, surprising because Yellowstone isn't near anything.
To those who have never seen a bison in the flesh: You simply cannot tell from pictures how big these bastards really are. It's like looking at the Matterhorn in real life- you realize photos will never do it.
Picture of thundersnow58 achievements

+2 6. thundersnow commented 5 years ago

#5 Been to Yellowstone, and seen bison. What you said is basically what I meant with my comment, 9 year olds still need the guidance of adults, especially in new and unusual situations, as visiting Yellowstone Park for the first time. Unfortunately those are probably the same stupid parents who "helicopter" their children in everyday situations where they are quite capable of taking care of themselves, but when they really need guidance the parents don't provide it. :S