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Picture of Judge-Jake53 achievements

+4 1. Judge-Jake commented 4 years ago

Brilliant, I should have been, but I wasn't expecting that. :D
Picture of Sowshul-Meeja10 achievements

+2 2. Sowshul-Meeja commented 4 years ago

The greatest threat to our lives is not covid19, it's the worldwide hysteria and its desperate and utterly futile attempts to control a virus.
Picture of Judge-Jake53 achievements

-1 3. Judge-Jake commented 4 years ago

#2 I presume you mean Like Smallpox? :|
Picture of krazeeeyez40 achievements

+2 4. krazeeeyez commented 4 years ago

Great vid! Instant fav.
Picture of Sowshul-Meeja10 achievements

0 5. Sowshul-Meeja commented 4 years ago

#3 It took over two hundred years to eradicate Smallpox. In the meantime, people continued to live, work and die. I don't recall there ever being any national lockdowns to try and control it, do you? 8-)
Picture of krazeeeyez40 achievements

+1 6. krazeeeyez commented 4 years ago

#5 perhaps the fact that they continued as normal is why it took over two hundred years to eradicate?...

If QAnon was in charge, Covid19 might take 200 years to disappear too!

National Lockdowns are vital to save lives (too many lost already).
Picture of Judge-Jake53 achievements

+2 7. Judge-Jake commented 4 years ago

#2#5 The greatest threat to our lives is actually people like you who ignore the hysteria and think we should probably do nothing as it is futile trying to do so. ;)
Picture of Kenuty31 achievements

+1 8. Kenuty commented 4 years ago

Yes, let's compare the past to now where we live in the world with billions of people from all walks of life.

I've seen stupid but holy shit this has gotten out of hand with the uneducated. Do people realize that virus also mutates? I think once it starts to do so and gets even deadly when people will wise up, Hopefully you'll be around if it happens to realize how much regret in life for underestimating the virus.
200 years ago I am pretty sure people didn't have the technology and the amount of information to combat the virus hence they just worked live and die. Now that we have the ability and capability the best answer is to just ignore it and say meh let god sort em out?

Already know at least 12 people from highschool this year who died to the virus and I don't even have that many friends.

I think some people are just really ignorant until it affects them to change the mindset.
Picture of Sowshul-Meeja10 achievements

-1 9. Sowshul-Meeja commented 4 years ago

Simplistic solutions work well on simple people. That's been neatly illustrated by the response I've received from the frightened Lockdowner sheep here.

See how convinced you still are in a year's time when your friends and family are dying due to lack of treatment for serious conditions which, until the arrival of covidhysteria would have been routinely treated, and the devastating impact on society and the economy this misguided approach will have.

4m unemployed by Christmas, evictions, suicides and civil unrest await you next year, not to mention a Spring budget handed out by millionaire Rishi Sunak which will outline exactly how all this nonsense is going to be paid for.

Enjoy your furloughs/job retention schemes while you can. The invoice will be arriving soon.
Picture of BrahmaBull44 achievements

0 10. BrahmaBull commented 4 years ago

#8 The virus will certainly mutate but the expectations from the experts is that will get easier to get but will be less and less deadly.

It's weird how some know quite a few that has died from it where as i don't know a single person who have even had it. Of those people i have talked to, no one even knows anyone that have had it.
Picture of krazeeeyez40 achievements

0 11. krazeeeyez commented 3 years ago

#9 it's just a bit of comedy man. Lighten up :(|)